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Equipment Recommendations

How to Cut Table Tennis Rubber perfectly?

Cutting table tennis rubber precisely is essential to ensure it fits your blade perfectly and enhances your playing experience. Here, we’ll explore three common methods, along with their pros and cons, and introduce the ultimate solution: the SANWEI Table Tennis Rubber Cutting Machine.  1. **Using Scissors** **Pros**: – The most convenient and widely available tool. […]

How to Cut Table Tennis Rubber perfectly? Read More »

My personal experience with SANWEI NOVA Carbon, and some tips on how to use this blade.

Hello everyone! 🙋‍♂️ This is Andrea, and I’m excited to share my journey with the NOVA Carbon blade in this thread. As a mid-level player, I hope my experience can give some inspiration or resonance to players who are using or want to use this blade, which is why I wrote this article.🥰To save everyone’s time, I

My personal experience with SANWEI NOVA Carbon, and some tips on how to use this blade. Read More »

New Target National

Difference between sticky rubbers and non-sticky rubbers

In table tennis, players often discuss the difference between sticky rubbers and non-sticky rubbers. Some people think that non-sticky rubbers have no friction, which is a wrong concept. Although viscous rubbers have a sticky surface, they are equipped with hard sponges to improve bounce speed, while non-sticky rubbers are equipped with soft bouncy cake sponges

Difference between sticky rubbers and non-sticky rubbers Read More »

Composition of Froster blade

The difference between the various carbon fiber in table tennis blade

  Currently, there are many popular table tennis blades on the market, which are roughly divided into wood and carbon fiber. Today, what is the difference between the various carbon fiber materials commonly found in table tennis blade?   First of all, the modern fast-attack technique of the looping requires high speed and strong spin,

The difference between the various carbon fiber in table tennis blade Read More »

The New Target National Table Tennis Rubbers

The difference between the old and new Target National 1.The surface roughness of the table tennis rubbers has changed (abrasive surface treatment process) the surface roughness of the new national standard is more uniform –roughness more even.2.The glue formula in the rubber and sponge has changed, making it more elastic and resilient.3.The packaging is upgraded

The New Target National Table Tennis Rubbers Read More »

Balancing Offense and Defense: The Art of SANWEI long pips rubber and Two Face Integration

SANWEI provides professional table tennis gear to players since 1993. SANWEI is known for introducing innovative innovations into the table tennis world. The brand’s team of engineers and researchers are constantly pushing the limits of technology in order to create cutting-edge products which enhance the performance of players and elevate their game. SANWEI DZ OX The SANWEI

Balancing Offense and Defense: The Art of SANWEI long pips rubber and Two Face Integration Read More »

How to Choose Between Short and Long Pips-SANWEI DZ-OX

SANWEI provides professional table tennis gear to players since 1993. SANWEI is known for introducing innovative innovations into the table tennis world. The brand’s team of engineers and researchers are constantly pushing the limits of technology in order to create cutting-edge products which enhance the performance of players and elevate their game. Table tennis (commonly referred to

How to Choose Between Short and Long Pips-SANWEI DZ-OX Read More »


From Doubt to Delight: My Journey with the SANWEI TAIJI-PLUS in Table Tennis

SANWEI provides professional table tennis gear to players since 1993. SANWEI is known for introducing innovative innovations into the table tennis world. The brand’s team of engineers and researchers are constantly pushing the limits of technology in order to create cutting-edge products which enhance the performance of players and elevate their game. Hello all! Today I am

From Doubt to Delight: My Journey with the SANWEI TAIJI-PLUS in Table Tennis Read More »

the best table tennis blade,SANWEI ECHO

Sanwei Echo Blade-the best table tennis blade

Original link: https://mytabletennis.net/FORUM/topic93753_post1145732.html#1145732 Sanwei ECHO Blade Weight: 84 grams Thickness: 5.9mm Plies: 5 (limba outer plies and thick ayous core) Speed: All+ It is not very often that a good blade comes along that distinguishes itself from other known all-around blades in the market. Sanwei released 2 of the best all-wood blades in the market this

Sanwei Echo Blade-the best table tennis blade Read More »

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