Congratulations! Chen Xingtong to be admitted to study in the doctoral program, lost in the Olympic competition but had a new turn in life

Recently, Chinese table tennis world champion Chen Xingtong reaped the happy news that she has been proposed to be admitted to the Chengdu Sport University of Physical Education and Sports as a doctoral student in 2024 – as an athlete who will soon turn 27 years old, Chen Xingtong is now unlocking a new identity even though she has already drifted away from the Olympics, to which fans have sent their blessings, looking forward to her In the future, there are more life choices and development.

Chen Xingtong, born in 1997, has been famous for a long time, and as early as 2018, she pressed Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha and others to be selected for the Chinese table tennis team World Cup list and realize the dream of world champion. However, after that, Chen Xingtong’s development stagnated, and for two consecutive years, she was not included in the women’s team’s top five starting lineup, and was later surpassed by her younger sisters, such as Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu, as well as Wang Yidi, who is the same age.
Although career development setback, but Chen Xing Tong is still constantly trying to prove themselves, especially in the match against the Japanese players eye-catching performance, once in a week’s time in two consecutive times to defeat Ito Misaki, Hirano Miwoo, but unfortunately the other internal and external battle performance is not too ideal, so even if later returned to the main lineup, but also become the existence of the bottom of the list.

After the arrival of the Paris Olympic cycle, Chen Xingtong’s performance is high and low, and the external battle results are also very unstable. Although the Chinese team has not yet announced the list of athletes to participate in table tennis, but from the Chen Xingtong has been selected points, the selection has almost become a foregone conclusion, which also makes many fans feel sorry.

However, the life of an athlete is definitely not only career, Chen Xingtong is no exception, although in the Olympic Games quota competition fell short, but Chen Xingtong in other aspects still have some development, and soon everyone will be in the Chengdu Institute of Physical Education doctoral degree enrollment to be admitted to the list of the name of Chen Xingtong, is also considered to be the loss of the East, the gain of the Sangyi.
In the Chinese table tennis team many famous players, get a high degree of many people, many now even become a college lecturer, professor, can imagine Chen Xingtong future may also copy the development mode of these predecessors – life can not be everywhere smooth sailing, to be able to achieve in the field and academic achievements have been very good, then look forward to Chen Xingtong future! I hope Chen Xingtong will bring us more excitement in the future!

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